PCP Campaigns

PCP Campaigns

Having and maintaining a relationship with a Primary Care Physician (PCP) is a key part of living a healthy life. A PCP is an integral part of managing a patient’s overall well-being and keeping a record of history of care.  If an onsite screening isn’t possible for all your employees, or, if you prefer a PCP screening program, we can track physician forms in a variety of ways:


    For employees who cannot participate in one of our onsite biometric screenings (due to travel, vacations, or sick days), HealthWorks offers an option be screened at a PCP office and have the results faxed to our office. Results are recorded and included in aggregate reporting.



    We encourage employees to cultivate a relationship with their PCP by tracking PCP Verification Forms.  Completed forms are faxed to our office and results are included in aggregate reporting.



    For some clients, an onsite screening isn’t practical. In this case, employees can print off one of our PCP Forms and take it to their doctor. Forms are returned to us, results are recorded, and data is included in client aggregate reporting.


Having and maintaining a relationship with a Primary Care Physician (PCP) is a key part of living a healthy life. A PCP is an integral part of managing a patient’s overall well-being and keeping a record of history of care.  If an onsite screening isn’t possible for all your employees, or, if you prefer a PCP screening program, we can track physician forms in a variety of ways:


    For employees who cannot participate in one of our onsite biometric screenings (due to travel, vacations, or sick days), HealthWorks offers an option be screened at a PCP office and have the results faxed to our office. Results are recorded and included in aggregate reporting.



    We encourage employees to cultivate a relationship with their PCP by tracking PCP Verification Forms.  Completed forms are faxed to our office and results are included in aggregate reporting.



    For some clients, an onsite screening isn’t practical. In this case, employees can print off one of our PCP Forms and take it to their doctor. Forms are returned to us, results are recorded, and data is included in client aggregate reporting.